Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Unexpected Gaming Group?!?!

I have been without a gaming group for a LONG time.  I do not just mean for months or even a year or two even.  I have been without a gaming group long enough that I am resembling some sort of rpg reader or researcher.  I actually used to play; back in my teen years we would often spend weekends playing.  We would start Friday after school and go until we got sleepy.  Then we would repeat the process Saturday.  I am sure many players back in the 1980s did something similar.

I have not been completely without opportunities to play.  Back in the early days of 3E I had a session with my cousin Alex and one of his friends; they were new to the hobby and wanted me to make sure they were "getting it" - YES, they were - and he continues to play to this day.  I tried Meetup one time with Alex.  The group was cool but the DM turned out to be a major killjoy; he basically wanted the "cream of the crop" at his table and would settle for nothing less.  Why one of the group did not take up the DM duties or the group find another DM I do not recall.  I am registered on Nearby Gamers also and occasionally get a hit on there but it is usually for a game scheduled during my work hours.

I happened to be on Facebook the other day and my cousin was discussing about being between groups also.  We started talking and we decided to get a group together with him, his wife, and me.  Three is not a bad number but then he said that out of the blue some of his other friends asked about a D&D group.  Suddenly, there are 5 of us and we are tentatively planning our first session for the next several weeks.

More later as the details unfold...


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